Standing Up to Racial Discrimination and Ideological Orthodoxy on Campus: Zack De Piero Case Updates

Personal & Lifestyle1/16/2024 11:00 PM

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Join us for this next installment of our Legal Case Updates webinar series, where we bring you updates on the legal cases that FAIR is supporting! For this upcoming webinar, we are thrilled to be joined by Dr. Zack De Piero, former professor at Penn State University, and his counsel, FAIR network attorney Michael Allen. Zack De Piero, PhD, began working at Pennsylvania State University in August of 2018 as an English writing professor at the Abington campus...


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Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism

Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism

FAIR is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to advancing civil rights and liberties for all, and promoting a common culture based on fairness, understanding, and humanity.