Business > Office Productivity1/31/2024 6:00 PM
Full Description
In this popular program on “getting the most from your Outlook” for MS Outlook Users, Randy Dean, author of the former Amazon e-mail bestseller, Taming the E-mail Beast, shows how to expand your capabilities with the market-leading Microsoft Outlook e-mail and professional organization software. Randy delves into Outlook-specific strategies for many of the most common areas of productivity loss (and possible gain!) afflicting many busy professionals today: managing multiple projects & tasks; maintaining “traction” when dealing with tasks and interruptions; clearing the clutter in your mind for better focus; keeping staff on task; tracking “who owes you what” and getting that information on time; and better managing your calendar and contacts for better time and relationship management. Get more from all five of the key Outlook functions: Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, E-mail, and Notes; for greater productivity, sanity, efficiency, and work-life balance. Key Learnings: • A basic understanding of key “bigger picture” time management principles – including your current active projects and life roles – and how they can be integrated into your MS Outlook software • Fully integrating your MS Outlook software into your time, project, people, and e-mail/info management systems, and getting the most usability and functionality out of your software, including: • Setting up your “Tasks” function for prioritized project/client action • Strategically managing your Calendar to increase personal and professional effectiveness • Utilizing the “Notes” function (and the related OneNote app) to help “clear your mind” by creating several highly useful lists for organizing the random clutter in your mind • Using “start of day”, “during the day”, weekly, and annual rituals to get your projects and people up front and top of mind Remember: I do something sort of unique in my sessions -- I actually open up live working versions of the software and do live demos! I will also take live Q&A during & after the session.