Taming the E-mail Beast for Microsoft Outlook Users

Business > Office Productivity1/30/2024 6:00 PM

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Randy Dean shares email management techniques for Microsoft Outlook users to enhance productivity and reduce chaos. Learn more on WebinarCafe

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Is your e-mail a “beast”? Does it take up too much time, cause distraction, and actually get in the way of productivity vs. helping with productivity? Without a system for “controlling the beast”, professionals spend much of their work (and personal) time spinning wheels and feeling highly unsatisfied. If you would like to get control of your e-mail “beast”, you should attend this program led by Randy Dean, MBA, author of the Amazon bestseller, Taming the E-mail Beast. Randy shares strategies for effective e-mail management, organization, and prioritization – featuring live and newly updated demos in Microsoft Outlook (and maybe a tip or two in Gmail too!) that have helped thousands of business professionals regain control and sanity with their e-mail activities (one university client even found that the average attendee saved more than 2 hours per week by taking this program!) Enhance your efficiency today and walk away with immediately usable tips and techniques!


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Randall Dean

Randall Dean

Randy Dean is a time management, email management speaker and trainer. He teaches you to reduce office clutter and optimize Outlook and Gmail.