Insight Into Wheat Spike and Grain Development by Learning From Natural Variation And Chemically-Induced Mutants

Industry > Farming and Agriculture12/7/2023 4:00 PM

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Presenter: Andy (Yi) Chen, John Innes Centre, UK
Outline: Grain and spike development are two important developmental processes in wheat that can influence final grain yield. To better understand these two processes, we investigated the genetic basis of wheat subspecie and mutants that have different grain or spike morphology compared to cultivated wheat. The wheat subspecie Triticum ispahanicum (n = 14) have a major QTL, P2, on chromosome 6A. P2 increases the length of glume, maternal floral organs and grain. By using combination of positional-based cloning and gene editing, we discovered that T. ispahanicum has a unique 482-bp promoter deletion on the gene SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE-A1 (SVP-A1) which is sufficient to increase glume and grain length. EMS line ANK-15 and the Japanese landrace Nakate Gumbai have compact spike. To understand the genetic basis of spike development, we performed F2 mapping and identified a QTL on chromosome 5D. We performed RNA-seq using near-isogenic lines and identified a set of candidate genes that can influence spike development.



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International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium

International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium

The International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC) is an international, collaborative consortium, established in 2005 by a group of wheat growers, plant scientists, and public and private breeders. The vision of the IWGSC is to create a high-quality genome sequence of bread wheat that serves as a foundation for the accelerated development of improved varieties and empowers all aspects of basic and applied wheat science. They have made significant advancements in research and understanding of the wheat genome, which has paved the way for the development of improved wheat varieties and advancements in wheat science.