Consumer Duty reality: how are adviser business models changing?

Business12/7/2023 9:00 AM

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We’re hosting the next Consumer Duty Champions Forum, held by the Consumer Duty Alliance, an independent professional body, bringing together individuals and firms as they implement the FCA’s Consumer Duty requirements. Many firms are asking for more clarity on how the Consumer Duty applies to the ‘coal-face’ of delivering financial advice. In this webinar, Michael Lawrence and his guests will discuss how the firms they work with are adapting their business models to deliver advice more efficiently and demonstrate the positive outcomes they’re delivering for their clients. They will focus on the key building blocks of good advice and how firms are adapting their propositions to meet the Duty’s requirements and deliver better outcomes: Design of initial and ongoing services Adviser charging models Advice processes Investment solutions Advice delivery The webinar will provide a first-hand discussion of the practical steps firms have taken to comply with the Duty, including how technology is helping to deliver advice more effectively and efficiently. And there’ll be time for attendees to submit their own questions.


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Consumer Duty Alliance

Consumer Duty Alliance

The Consumer Duty Alliance (CDA) is an independent, not-for-profit body that aims to help the financial planning sector successfully implement the FCA's Consumer Duty. The alliance works with practitioners and subject matter experts to create good practice guidance, references, and third-party links to support the profession in achieving their Consumer Duty requirements. Individuals and firms can join the alliance for free by adopting a voluntary code of professional standards.