Implementing sustainable travel solutions in new residential developments

Personal & Lifestyle > Travel11/16/2023 10:00 AM

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On behalf of the Drummond Trust, GO Travel Solutions was appointed five years ago as travel plan coordinators, tasked with introducing a range of sustainable travel measures and innovative community engagement tools aimed at fostering the adoption of sustainable travel practices within the pioneering New Lubbesthorpe community. Unlike many previous housing developments in the UK, where car dependency has surged, a recent travel survey has revealed a 20% decrease in single-car occupancy journeys at the site, accompanied by a doubling of bus usage in the past year.


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GO Travel Solutions

GO Travel Solutions

GO Travel Solutions is a specialist consultancy for sustainable transport, serving employers, public bodies, and travel providers. With decades of combined experience in the transport sector, GO Travel Solutions have been helping workplaces and communities to reduce emissions and embrace the opportunities that travelling more sustainably bring. They work in collaboration with leading transport consultants, operators, and marketeers to tailor solutions to the requirements of customers.