Brain health and dementia webinar series

Healthcare11/15/2023 11:00 AM

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DRNI are delighted to host a five-series webinar on brain health and dementia! This webinar series will look at brain health and dementia in relation to a number of factors including dementia and the brain, diet and brain health in dementia, brain stimulation in dementia, brain-specific post-diagnostic support, and brain health in dementia and physical activity. Each webinar will have additional input from an Early Career Researcher in the area, plus time for Q&A at the end. We hope you can join us!


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Dementia Research Network Ireland

Dementia Research Network Ireland

Dementia Research Network Ireland (DRNI) is an all-Ireland interdisciplinary dementia and neurodegenerative research initiative. Funded by the Health Research Board, DRNI seeks to support and facilitate collaborative interdisciplinary research integrating the basic, clinical and social sciences to bring about a demonstrable impact on dementia and neurodegenerative disease researcher, knowledge translation and policy development.