MASCC Webinar: Precision Oncology - Improving the Understanding of How Molecular Profiling Improves Breast Cancer Care

Healthcare11/13/2023 2:00 PM

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Agenda: • Introduction – Prof Maryam Lustberg • Set the Scene: How to Determine the Optimized Treatment for Early-Stage Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer – Dr Kevin Kalinsky • Personalized Precision Medicine and Supportive Care in Cancer – Dr Ines Vaz-Duarte-Luis • How to Improve Adherence – Dr Dawn Hershman • Patient Experience – Closing the Loop – Stacey Tinianov (Patient Partner) Objectives: • Increase awareness of how to best utilize Oncotype DX testing in various clinical scenarios • Improve the understanding of 21 gene recurrence assay to optimize clinical care and outcomes of patients with cancer • Discuss how to offer personalize symptom management for patients experiencing endocrine therapy and chemotherapy toxicity as part of their personalized treatment recommendation from Oncotype Dx testing Learner Outcomes: • Have an improved understanding of molecular profiling improves breast cancer care by yielding personalized medicine approaches that tailor both treatment and helps mitigate unnecessary toxicities


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MASCC (Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer) is an international organization dedicated to improving the supportive care of people with cancer. Through guidelines, publications, educational webinars, assessment tools, and patient education resources, MASCC aims to prevent and manage the adverse effects of cancer and its treatment. With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, MASCC provides resources for professionals in various disciplines, including antiemetics, cancer pain management, digital health, exercise oncology, fatigue management, geriatrics, mucositis, palliative care, and more. Join MASCC to access valuable resources and network with experts in the field of supportive care in cancer.