Unlocking HR Excellence with ContentSynch: Maximize HR Efficiency and Optimize Structured & Unstructured Content with Oracle Fusion HCM and OpenText ECM Integrationn

Business > Human Resources11/29/2023 10:00 AM

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Is your organization grappling with the challenges of enhancing productivity, ensuring compliance, fostering collaboration, and effectively managing risks related to your HR documents and content? Join us for an insightful webinar that delves into how ContentSynch for Oracle Fusion HCM can empower your organization. Learn about efficiency enhancement, improved collaboration, enhanced security, cost savings, compliance and risk reduction, effective employee onboarding and record management, and audit and inspection preparedness. Register now to unlock the potential of ContentSynch for Oracle Fusion HCM and OpenText ECM integration.


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ONE ECM is an international organization providing on premise and in the cloud solutions, skills, and expertise to manage the complete information lifecycle enabling successful digital transformation. We are a dedicated business serving the Enterprise Information Management (EIM) market, Cognitive intelligence (CI) and Robotic Process automation (RPA) to enable Digital Transformation through customer centricity. We help manage information to improve productivity, competitiveness, and customer experiences for a successful digital transformation. Our expertise includes artificial intelligence & machine learning, robotic process automation, cloud solutions (SaaS, PaaS, IAAS), and digital transformation services. With a focus on information and legal management, we are committed to developing long-term partnerships to best serve the needs of our customers.