Park the Plow: Benefits of a No-Till November

Industry > Farming and Agriculture11/20/2023 5:00 PM

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Join the Cannon River Watershed Joint Powers Organization as they host the second session of the virtual learning series “Land to Lake Lectures”. During the second webinar “Park the Plow: Benefits of a No-till November,” attendees will learn about the benefits of no-till farming, cover crops, and other conservation practices. These types of conservation practices can have a huge impact on the local water quality of our rivers, lakes, and streams. Rice County farmer Tim Little will share how he switched from conventional farming to conservation farming. Cost-share funding opportunities available for no-till and other conservation practices will also be discussed. This series is offered in collaboration with the University of Minnesota-Extension.


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Cannon River Watershed Joint Powers Organization

Cannon River Watershed Joint Powers Organization

The Cannon River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (CRWJPO) was created back in 2020, after the Cannon River Watershed was selected for a One Watershed, One Plan (IWIP) in 2016.