Seegene Inc

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Seegene Inc is a molecular diagnostics company committed to bringing molecular testing to a wide range of audiences. With a focus on developing advanced PCR technologies, Seegene aims to provide accurate and efficient solutions for respiratory infections, gastrointestinal tract infections, human papillomavirus infections, sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis, drug resistance, sepsis, meningitis, and other diseases. Seegene offers a comprehensive range of products, including assays, systems, instruments, software, and technologies. The company's innovative approach and commitment to ESG management make it a leader in the field of molecular diagnostics.



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Navigating Progress: SEEGENE Solution's Impact on Cervical Cancer Screening
Join us for an insightful webinar where real experiences and success stories present an innovative HPV screening solution. This webinar will feature the implementation of SEEGENE solutions, featuring HPV screening with 14 high-risk HPV types and SG STATS, which facilitates big data analysis. The speaker will highlight the remarkable progress made in cervical cancer screening in Lazio, Italy, sharing sincere firsthand accounts. Be a part of our exploration into the transformative impact of these advanced solutions, specifically in uplifting cervical cancer screening practices in Lazio.
2/21/2024 9:00 AM