Collette Health

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Collette Health offers 360° virtual observation solutions that positively impact clinical and patient outcomes. They leverage virtual patient observation to proactively prevent falls and adverse events. Their solutions include continuous clinical surveillance at the point of care, always-on virtual video observation, on-staff clinician observers, actionable utilization analytics, and 24/7/365 support. They serve hospitals, health systems, critical access, and rural health facilities. Collette Health helps augment clinician staffing shortages with virtual clinician observers, improving nurse retention and satisfaction. They provide actionable analytics to measure virtual observation and patient safety program performance. Collette Health is dedicated to improving patient safety and enhancing healthcare outcomes.



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Zero My Hero: Virtual Observation Analytics, A Primer
Zero falls, that is. How can Zero be your hero? What metrics matter? What story do they tell? What story do I need them to tell? What outcomes do they impact? How do they prove ROI for my patient safety program? We're here to answer all your analytics questions…and more. Join: Chief Product Officer, Nicholas Luthy, Director of User Experience Design, Paul Rouillard, and Senior Director of Clinical Education, Nicole Shields, BSN, RN, on January 31st at 10 AM CST for a 45-minute interactive webinar on virtual patient observation analytics. We'll cover all the above with a real-time deep dive into the analytics portal. We'll share some best practices and a sneak peek of new features. Be A Hero. Get to Zero.
1/31/2024 10:00 AM