ACA Connects - America's Communications Association

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ACA Connects is the premier association delivering high-impact advocacy for independent broadband, video, and communications providers. Our primary goal is to ensure our members are treated fairly in the marketplace and in Washington, so that small and medium-sized independent operators may continue to thrive and deliver affordable broadband, phone, and video services to their customers!



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2024 Regulatory Obligations
Plan for the year ahead with important information about your regulatory obligations for 2024. Join the ACA Connects team along with attorneys from the law firm Cinnamon Mueller, which specializes in assisting small cable and broadband providers with challenging business and regulatory issues. The webinar will cover your ongoing filing obligations as well as new considerations and obligations for 2024. ACA Connects webinars are free for ACA Connects Members. This webinar is open to ACAC Operator Members only. If you have any questions on how to participate, please contact Tomeika Slappy, ACA Connects’ Manager of Member Services, at
1/25/2024 6:00 PM