Denver Public Schools Foundation

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The DPS Foundation homepage provides information about their initiatives, ways to give, their impact, events, community involvement, and general information about DPS. Their initiatives include Whole Child, Whole Family, Teachers & School Leadership, and Workforce Development. They support DPS students and schools through fundraising efforts, community partnerships, and innovative programs. Visit their website to learn more about how you can contribute to the future of Denver Public Schools.



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Community Kick Off: DPS Foundation's Newcomer Student & Family Fund
We know that when our students and families thrive, we all benefit. The DPS Foundation’s Newcomer Student & Family Fund will work to ensure new DPS families are supported as they enter the Denver community so that newcomer students have the resources they need to become leaders and societal contributors. With the trust of the community, DPS Foundation will ensure the funds go to the area of greatest need to support schools, DPS Community Hubs and wrap-around services to ensure refugees, migrants and DPS families so they have what they need to thrive.
1/18/2024 7:00 PM