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The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh is a professional body dedicated to promoting the highest standards in surgical practice and patient care. With a rich history dating back to 1505, the College offers a range of educational courses, events, and exams for surgeons and trainees. Through its faculty and regional centers, the College supports the professional development and well-being of its members. Visit the College's website to learn more about its mission, activities, and resources.



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Results of the TETRIS Study and implications for practice
The TETRIS study collected a year of observational data of resuscitative thoracotomy performed for traumatic injury in the prehospital or ED setting in the UK. The objective was to evaluate current practice including incidence, indications, interventions, injury patterns, demographics, and outcomes.This webinar will feature the results of the study followed by an expert panel discussion on current evidence and the implications of this study for future practice.Speakers: Caroline Leech, Lisa Ramage, Harriet Tucker, Zane Perkins, Richard Steyn
2/7/2024 7:00 PM