30 Forensic Engineering

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We are a team of investigators, engineers, scientists, and problem solvers. We bring clarity to complex scientific problems to help our clients make decisions with confidence. All our work is backed by uncompromising investigative forensic reporting. We are 30.



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Liability Mechanism Medicine – How Engineering and Medical Evidence Support or Refute a Personal Injury Claim
Please join us for a seminar that will discuss how engineering, biomechanical and medical assessments can be used to support or refute a personal injury claim involving a concussion diagnosis. Understanding the likely physical circumstances of the incident, as well as the forces and motions experienced by the Plaintiff can be an important first step when evaluating injury causation. Dr. Zandi will provide an overview of the various liability assessments that forensic engineers can assist with in the context of Occupiers’ Liability Claims. Dr. Gooyers will review the biomechanical techniques that can be used to establish head impact severity and risk of mild traumatic brain injury, such as concussion in various types of personal injury claims. Dr. Dost will address the newly published American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) criteria, which expands upon previous criteria and presents a unique set of challenges with diagnosis and how personal injury files should be approached moving forward.
1/23/2024 7:00 PM