Insightful Accountant

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Insightful Accountant is a leading online publication that provides valuable information and resources for accounting professionals. With a focus on accounting technology, general ledger, payroll, and niche markets, Insightful Accountant helps accountants stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in the industry. They also offer training courses, webinars, and events to enhance the skills and knowledge of accounting professionals. Subscribe to their newsletter to stay informed about the latest developments in the accounting field.



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Practice Management Talks
We have exciting things lined up for you in the following year for this particular webinar. All things Practice Management from processes, people, planning to perseverance. We'll be joined by two of our notable speakers, Will Hill of Will Hill Consults and Julie Smith, MBA the Practice Manager of Harper & Company CPA Plus. Q1 Focus: Processes January: Managing these 2 KPIs - how does your firm measure up? February: The 3 processes every firm should have automated, and a couple bonus ones too March: Identifying when a process may be the problem. Q2 Focus: People April: How to make sure you have the right people in the right seats. May: How to hire when there is a talent shortage (remote, outsource, out of industry, what you can teach vs what you can't etc) June: Delegation and using your team’s talent. Q3 Focus: Planning July: How to automate you Onboarding process. August: Getting your firm ready for tax season (internal deadlines, processes, tracking, etc) September: Communicating and shifting priorities Q4 Focus: Perseverance October: When you must pivot and how to do it (when you are burned out, have a toxic culture, something isn't working, etc) November: When do you just “push through and persevere” vs when that turns to a long-term strategy that will fail? December: Using focus when things are crazy.
1/17/2024 4:30 PM