Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC

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We are a dynamic team of investment professionals providing you a comprehensive roadmap to your financial success. We are committed to forging unique financial plans that not only resonate with your life goals but also adapt to your evolving needs.



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Michael Batnick & Ben Carlson's Year-End Strategy Session
We’ll navigate uncharted territory discussing: ✅ The Charts that Defined 2023: Gain market wisdom from Michael and Ben as they share their perspectives on market trends and their favorite visuals. ✅ Wealth Management Insights: Explore their tangible guidance and actionable suggestions to elevate and optimize your strategy heading into the new year. ✅ Harnessing YCharts: Uncover Michael and Ben's expertise in utilizing YCharts for their financial analysis, decision-making and communication. Join us!
12/6/2023 7:00 PM