Doctors Manitoba

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Doctors Manitoba is an organization that provides support and resources to physicians in Manitoba. Their purpose is to ensure that every physician has the support they need to deliver exceptional care to Manitobans. From medical school to retirement, they are there every step of the way, helping to build a better healthcare system. Their services include managing your practice, remuneration, audits, tech for doctors, and more. They also offer comprehensive benefits and insurance programs designed for physicians. In addition, Doctors Manitoba prioritizes physician health and wellness, providing programs and resources to support physicians in staying healthy both physically and mentally. For more information, visit their website.



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Leadership Starts with Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is one of the key components of Emotional Intelligence. Everyone has a story, and that story is fueled by our thoughts and emotions which in turn influence how we relate to ourselves, others and the world. Becoming self aware allows us to better manage ourselves, how we relate to others and show up in the world. At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to: • List the key components to identifying their personal story • Recognize how their story may impact themselves and others
10/26/2023 10:30 PM