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Mobile World Live is a leading source of news and insights for the global mobile industry. It covers topics such as 5G, RAN Vendors, Operators, Big Tech, Devices, AI & Cloud, Network Tech, and Regulation. Stay updated with the latest developments and trends in the mobile industry with Mobile World Live.



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Mobile Operators: How to Excel in Your Transition to eSIM-Only Smartphones
eSIM is gaining traction in many markets around the world, at different paces. In the U.S., eSIM has already conquered the consumer market since the launch of flagship eSIM-only smartphones in 2022. Countries in other continents are about to follow this path and embrace eSIM in more devices. These new devices and subsequent use cases require mobile operators to rethink and reshape the traditional approach in several different areas. They must act now to get ready on time. Join our webinar and learn how to prepare for the advent of eSIM-only smartphones. Sylvain Givord, eSIM Product Manager at IDEMIA and Bjorn Hjelt, Head of eSIM & Multi-Device at Telia Company will discuss: - Why raising the topic of eSIM-only smartphones and starting to act now is essential - How eSIM-only smartphones impact mobile operators at different levels - How to get ready following key best practices
12/7/2023 4:00 PM