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IEMed is a leading think-and-do tank for the Mediterranean, generating knowledge for action for a peaceful, stable, and prosperous region. Our vision is to promote dialogue between cultures and our mission is to enhance evidence-based research, dialogue, and advocacy for inclusive policy-making that strengthens Euro-Mediterranean relations. As the leading network, we work with EuroMeSCo, Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation, Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation, MedThink 5+5, MED Confederation, and Euro-Mediterranean Guarantee Network. We develop programmes such as Aula Mediterrània, Educating in Diversity, Agenda2030Med, Media, Democracy and Diversity, A Sea of Words. The Voice of Youths, and Prevention of Polarisation and Violent Extremism to transform knowledge into action.



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Regional Consequences of the Middle East Conflict
Maha Yahya, director, Malcom H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center, Beirut Maria Luisa Fantappiè, head of the Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa Program, Istituto Affari Facilitated by: Senén Florensa, executive president, IEMed
11/20/2023 11:00 AM