ICF Lebanon

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ICF Lebanon Chapter is part of the global International Coach Federation, focusing on empowering the Lebanese community through ethical coaching standards and high-level professional coaching approaches. They offer various types of coaching like life coaching, career coaching, performance coaching, mindset coaching, relationship coaching, executive coaching, wellness coaching, ADHD coaching, and youth coaching. Their mission is to help individuals grow and fulfill their potential. For more information, please visit their website at www.icflebanon.org.



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Cultivating Self-Worth
Centre MINE and ICF Lebanon Charter Chapter have the pleasure of inviting you to the upcoming webinar: Cultivating Self-Worth. Date: Tuesday 21 November 2023. Time: 6:00 PM till 8:00 PM. Platform: MS Teams. Delivered by Ms Ghyne Ghaddar, ICF Coach and NLP practitioner. Certificate available. Register Now at: [https://tinyurl.com/mine211123](https://tinyurl.com/mine211123).
11/21/2023 11:00 PM