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ESDWAGOV is the website for the Employment Security Department of Washington state. It provides resources and information about unemployment benefits, job search assistance, unemployment taxes, employer resources, and labor market information. The website also offers eServices for managing unemployment claims and other related activities. Visit the ESDWAGOV site to learn more and access the available services.



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SharedWork and Labor Market Info
What you’ll learn about the SharedWork program: Steps to enroll in SharedWork program, Business eligibility and program benefits, How a workplace can improve with the SharedWork program, Answers to the most common SharedWork - FAQ employer questions. What you'll learn about Labor Market Information services: Learn about labor market trends in the local and state economy, Find out which industries are expanding or contracting in your local area, Learn were to find information about wages, employment, and the labor force, Discover how labor market information helps with business decision making including wage analysis and more.
11/28/2023 7:50 PM