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InsideScientific is an online platform that provides scientists, researchers, and industry professionals with educational resources and information to support scientific discovery. Their resources include webinars, virtual events, interviews, training workshops, articles, and a supplier database. The platform aims to facilitate the exchange of scientific information and promote innovation in research and development.



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Genetic and Hormonal Components of Sex Differences in Alzheimer’s Disease
In this webinar, Dr. Buckley presents the sex differences in dementia, focusing on diagnosis, tauopathy, and implications for clinical trials.This presentation highlights the state of play in the literature with regard to sex differences in prevalence and incidence rates of dementia. Dr. Buckley touches upon the well characterized issue of women being underdiagnosed with dementia due to the fact that they perform much better than men on many neuropsychological tests. She presents her work that has shown consistently, and across many independent cohorts, that women show elevated levels of tauopathy in the brain relative to men. After demonstrating these sex differences in these clinical AD-related outcomes, she turns to the question of whether they might be driven by sex steroid hormones or the X chromosome. She ends the talk by touching upon the reasons why we care about sex differences, particularly from a clinical trials perspective. In addition, she presents her working framework for where she thinks the field stands and what gaps remain in the literature.Key Topics Include:The extent to which sex differences exist in Alzheimer’s disease riskHow sex steroid hormones and the X chromosome play a role in moderating this riskUnderstand the importance of sex disaggregating findings, both in observational research and also in clinical trialsPresenter: Rachel Buckley, PhD - Associate Professor, Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital.
9/11/2024 3:00 PM
Advancing Disease Modeling for Drug Discovery by Modulating iPSCs with CRISPR and Neuronal Differentiation
Explore applications of CRISPR and iPSCs in disease modeling and drug discovery in our upcoming webinar with Synthego and BrainXell.Standardizing cell models is essential for drug discovery and investigating mechanisms influencing disease onset. Using iPSC-derived neurons and glia marks a revolutionary shift in drug discovery, enabling direct study of novel therapeutics on human neurons without relying on primary human tissue. By creating specific neuron and glia subtypes, researchers can delve into disease pathways, comparing edited to control cell lines to aid in developing therapeutics to treat those diseases.To accelerate the drug discovery workflow focused on curing neurodegenerative and neuro-related diseases, Synthego and BrainXell’s partnership is streamlining this workflow by leveraging Synthego’s CRISPR expertise and BrainXell’s mastery of working with iPS cells and neurons to make curing those diseases within reach.
11/29/2023 4:00 PM