NCELA - English Language Acquisition & Language Instruction Educational Programs

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The Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) is a department under the U.S. Department of Education that supports English learners (ELs) and their families. They provide resources and professional development activities for educators and administrators working with ELs. Their website offers toolkits, fact sheets, webinars, newsletters, and other valuable information to ensure the success of ELs in the education system.



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English Learner Family Toolkit
To celebrate the publication of the updated English Learner (EL) Family Toolkit and the release of the EL Family Toolkit App, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) is hosting a series of webinars to introduce and showcase these resources. In this introductory event the presenters will review all six chapters of the toolkit and the available languages (English, Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic); discuss the implications and potential uses of the information and resources in each chapter; recommend ways and best practices for sharing these resources with EL families; and demonstrate the features of the EL Family Toolkit mobile app.
12/5/2023 9:00 PM