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Hire top remote assistants and delegate your admin, operations, marketing and sales tasks. We know how hard you work to build your business, but you don’t have to do it alone! Let our carefully selected assistants take your business to new heights.



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Pricing strategies: How to set your rates as a virtual assistant
Join us on Thu 26th Oct, 2023 at 7pm EAT where we'll delve into pricing strategies for virtual assistants. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your rates, this insightful session will provide you with valuable insights and expert tips to help you set your virtual assistant rates with confidence. Learn how to optimize your pricing to attract clients, stay competitive, and achieve your financial goals in the world of virtual assistance. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your pricing expertise and boost your virtual assistant career. Sign up now!
10/26/2023 4:00 PM