Project QUEST

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Project QUEST is a workforce program that connects individuals to in-demand jobs and provides individualized support. They offer individualized workforce training in healthcare, advanced manufacturing and trades, and IT and cybersecurity to help individuals build a better life. With a focus on quality career opportunities, Project QUEST partners with community leaders to ensure maximum results for their participants. They provide tuition assistance, emergency financial support, personal career coaching, and job readiness and career search assistance. Join Project QUEST today and change your life!



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How To Maximize Impact With an Integrated Data Solution
Many nonprofit leaders feel like they are drowning in participant data. Others don’t realize they’re missing a data point until it’s time to make an annual report. Join our webinar with Project QUEST to learn how an integrated data platform helps the nonprofit capture the right data and synthesize it with ease -- empowering its team to support more participants and obtain more funding. In this webinar, you will learn how to: - Use digital intake forms to collect the data you need efficiently and effectively. - Create easy-to-read scorecards for team members. - Deliver comprehensive impact reports to funders. Questions? Email us at or give us a call at (215) 238-5300.
11/14/2023 7:00 PM