Ardea Outcomes

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Ardea Outcomes uses Goal Attainment Scaling to capture meaningful change throughout the clinical development lifecycle.



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Goal Attainment Scaling in Clinical Research and Practice: Insights from Experts
As an individualized approach to outcome assessment, Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) is increasingly gaining attention in clinical research and practice. In this engaging webinar, distinguished GAS experts and thought leaders will share their insights, experiences, and best practices in applying GAS within their respective fields. The guest speaker, Dr. Lynne Turner-Stokes, a world-renowned expert in GAS and Professor of Rehabilitation at King’s College London, UK, will discuss her experience and best practices with implementing GAS in rehabilitation, with a focus on techniques to improve the quality of goal setting. Chere Chapman, CEO of Ardea Outcomes, will moderate the discussion and, with Dr. Gunes Sevinc, share Ardea Outcomes’ experience on methods to improve the quality of goal setting in clinical trials.
11/28/2023 6:00 PM