Iowa Pharmacy Association

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Empowering the pharmacy profession to improve the health of our communities. The Iowa Pharmacy Association (IPA) is dedicated to advancing patient care by promoting the role of pharmacists as essential healthcare providers. We offer membership opportunities, resources, and advocacy services for pharmacy professionals in Iowa. Our goal is to ensure that pharmacists have the necessary support and resources to deliver high-quality patient care and improve medication outcomes. Join IPA and be part of a community that is making a difference in healthcare.



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9/17 Virtual Pharmacy Voter Event with Political Expert Charlie Cook!
Join NACDS President & CEO Steve Anderson and national political analyst Charlie Cook in an exciting virtual NACDS RxIMPACT Votes event to learn more about the 2024 elections and what that might mean for the future of pharmacy.Register to attend this virtual event taking place at 1:00pm ET on September 17 – the celebrated National Voter Registration Day inspiring thousands across the nation to register to vote and participate in the 2024 General Election set for November 5, 2024. You won’t want to miss this insightful election forecast and discussion about the 2024 elections and what this might mean in 2025!Can’t make the event? Register for the event and we will share with you a link to the recording!Elected leaders construct not only the laws by which you live, but the laws by which you are able to serve your patients. They introduce bills, pitch resolutions, and offer amendments. The pharmacy community has seen concrete examples over the years of how Governors, state leaders, and members of the U.S. Congress have played a critical role in the future – and fate – of pro-patient and pro-pharmacy policies and whether they are enacted into law. Those elected in November are key to our community’s policy priorities.Register to Attend this Complementary Zoom Event featuring Charlie CookDate: Tuesday, September 17, 2024, Time: 1:00 PM ETNote: Registering for this event will also subscribe attendees to receive NACDS RxIMPACT emails. Contact with questions.
9/17/2024 5:00 PM