Pushing the Limits — Pharma Characterization with Light Scattering
This webinar will explore the applications of Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Electrophoretic Light Scattering (ELS) in the pharmaceutical industry. The experts will also discuss how these techniques enhance drug formulation, stability, delivery, and improve the quality and efficacy of pharmaceutical products.Key Takeaways• Understanding the fundamentals of Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Electrophoretic Light Scattering (ELS)• How particle size distribution and zeta potential impact pharmaceutical formulations and stability• Utilizing DLS and ELS to enhance drug delivery systems and improve pharmaceutical quality• Comprehensive understanding of BeNano’s advanced measurement capabilities for pharmaceutical applications.• Real-world case studies demonstrating BeNano’s applications in LNP, proteins, micelles, microemulsions, drug carriers, and Ag nanoparticles.Who Should Attend?This webinar will benefit beginners and professionals in research, development, processing or quality control who acquire understanding of comprehensive pharma characterization or who want to refresh and expand existing knowledge. Furthermore, those who are looking for suggestions for further possible uses of particle size characterization as well as stability of pharmaceutical suspensions should attend this webinar.Speakers: John F. Miller, PhD - Inventor of PALS; Zhibin Guo, MS - Senior Application Scientist.Register now to secure your spot!