Velg Training

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Velg Training is Australia's leading provider of Vocational Education and Training (VET) professional development and consulting services.

Having served the VET community since 2003, Velg Training’s national client base represents Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) across Australia, including VET practitioners, teachers, trainers, assessors, TAFE teaching professionals, enterprise trainers and assessors, industry experts and other VET professionals.



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The Your Career Digital Platform
The new Your Career digital platform is the Government’s source of truth for nationally recognised training courses and information on Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).This session is designed to provide a range of information including a deep dive into the benefits that the Your Career platform can provide to RTOs and how it supports the tertiary education sector as a whole.Join us for this complimentary information session to get a first-hand overview of the platform and the wide range of information and resources that it contains that can be of immense benefit to you!Key topics covered within webinar• An overview of the Your Career platform• Information that the platform houses and how it can be of assistance• Resources to support life-long-learning (School Leavers, Career Practitioners, parents/guardians etc)• Secondary School specific information and resources• Insights into the changes to comePresenters: Sam Schischka (Product Manager, Careers and International Skills Division at DEWR) and Tegan Bailie (Assistant Director, National Careers Institute).NB. Can't make the session?We send out all electronic resources to registrants within 48 hours of the session closure. All Velg Training Webinars are scheduled in AEST (QLD time) - please check your timezone before logging onto the online training session.
8/19/2024 1:00 AM