Psychedelic Invest

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Psychedelic Invest is a resource for those looking to invest in the burgeoning psychedelic industry.



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Webinar: Analyzing the FDA Advisory Committee Review of MDMA-Assisted Therapy for PTSD
Join our expert panelists as they provide commentary on the event, their interpretation of the meeting’s contents, and what it all means for MDMA therapy moving forward.“Analyzing the Lykos Therapeutics FDA Committee Meeting” is a live webinar event streaming live across the Nucleus ecosystem on Wednesday, June 5th at 3:00pm ET.During this conversation, moderator Dustin Robinson speaks with the CEO of Inbodied Life, Lauren Taus, and Edgar J. Asebey, Esq. of Keller Asebey Life Science Law PLLC. The trio will summarize the outcomes from the committee meeting taking place the day prior (June 4th).Be sure to RSVP to reserve your spot for this important online event.
6/5/2024 7:00 PM