Myriad Genetics

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Myriad Genetics is a leading genetic testing company that aims to advance health through genetic testing. They provide tests for various health areas, including hereditary cancer risk, reproductive health, oncology, urology, and mental health. Their tests uncover invaluable insights and answers to help prevent diseases, diagnose them at an earlier stage, clarify treatment options, and support better health outcomes. With over 30 years of experience, Myriad Genetics is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of genetic testing and precision medicine. They prioritize actionable results that are easily understandable by patients and providers. Their mission is to improve lives by increasing health equity, designing accessible tests, and providing better answers for better outcomes.



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Mastering Breast Cancer Genetics and Genomics Part 3 - Hot Topics in Breast Cancer Genetic
Join Eric Manahan, MD, MBA, FACS, a leading expert in general and breast surgery, as he shares insights on trending topics in genetic testing for breast cancer. In this webinar, Dr. Manahan covers the importance and underutilization of genetic testing in breast cancer, disparities in genetic testing, unlocking the potential of tumor genomics, exciting research opportunities, and much more. Don't miss out — register today to secure your spot and gain valuable insights on how to elevate your approach to patient care.
5/22/2024 4:00 PM