Y+ Global

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Y+ Global is a global network of young people living with HIV. Our mission is to ensure that young people living with HIV contribute to the HIV response. We advocate for the rights and well-being of young people, raise our voices to hold decision makers accountable, and work towards building a strong and representative global network. We strive to secure a future where young people living with HIV have access to comprehensive support, resources, and opportunities for leadership and advocacy. Join us in making a difference!



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Upcoming Webinars

From Experience to Action: Youth Voices on Hepatitis and HIV
Young people living with hepatitis and/or HIV worldwide experience many of the same issues within the hepatitis and HIV responses. To foster meaningful conversations and gather insights from young people living with hepatitis and/or HIV, the World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) and Y+ Global have partnered to organise a joint webinar. The event will explore the gaps, challenges and solutions for young people living with hepatitis and/or HIV and share stories of young people leading the change in their local communities. Following the webinar, WHA and Y+ Global will take the findings from the discussion to develop new advocacy materials specifically for young people.
9/15/2024 12:00 AM

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