Forte Foundation

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Forte Foundation is an organization that supports and empowers women in business. They offer various programs, events, and resources to help women advance in their careers. Forte Foundation works towards achieving gender equity in the workplace and promotes allyship, mentorship, and sponsorship. Through skill-building workshops, leadership conferences, networking opportunities, and webinars, they provide practical skills and support to women. Forte Foundation also highlights the benefits of pursuing an MBA and how it can open doors for women in their professional journeys.



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Conquer Your Career: Human Resources
Human resource professionals play an important role in driving company growth and success. In fact, human resources offers a variety of unique career paths that can make both an impact on organizations and the people that work there, like recruitment and retention, compensation and benefits, and learning and development. Learn from women leaders who have found their fit in this business function. These MBA alumni will share their experiences and discuss the knowledge, skills, and abilities that can help launch someone into this career path. We hope their stories will motivate you, inspire you, and help guide your own career choices.
4/11/2024 5:00 PM