Product Focus

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Product Focus is a global provider of product management courses in the UK, US and Europe. Public and Private courses available online and on-site.



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The Product Manager Multiplier: Tactics for Talent Development
“When I was first promoted to managing a large product management team, I didn’t know exactly what I should be focusing on – especially regarding people and their growth and development. It took years of learning, and lots of mistakes and successes to hone my approach to developing people – I’ve created this webinar to help other leaders who are on this same journey.” – Eddie Pratt About the webinar: As a leader of product managers, you’re only as good as your team. You’ll quickly realize that your product managers and team are the real ‘product’ that needs managing. Your product managers are value multipliers – their impact is amplified across the entire business. Here’s the secret: if you make your product managers successful – it’s going to make you and your business more successful. Key takeaways: • Learn how successful leaders approach people growth • Identify core competencies needed for high-performing product managers (essential for use in job descriptions, job ladders, development conversations and more) • Discover practical tactics to advance your product managers' growth journey (training is only one of dozens of tactics) • Learn how to measure the impact of your people development initiatives Bonus: • In the webinar we also look at a unique way of visualising the growth journey of product managers – one that will be strikingly familiar, but you’ve probably never seen it applied like this Who’s this webinar for? • Leaders and aspiring leaders of teams of product managers • Learning and Development (L&D) professionals aligned to product management teams Date and time: Wednesday 24 April 2024: 12:00 UK / 13:00 CEST / 07:00 EDT / 04:00 PDT About Eddie Pratt: Eddie is the Managing Director of Product Focus. He has over 20 years of experience in product management and product marketing. Eddie has helped businesses ranging from Silicon Valley start-ups to multinational corporations – he’s grown and led several product and development organizations, building and running products, platforms, and services.
4/24/2024 11:00 AM