Association for Advancing Automation

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The Association for Advancing Automation is the leading global automation trade association of the robotics, machine vision, motion control, and industrial AI industries. We are your ultimate destination for all things automation, offering quality products and services, discovering new automation applications, training, industry news, informative blogs, editorials, whitepapers, and cutting-edge technologies.



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Level Up: How to Leverage Social Media to Drive Trade Show and Event Attendance
This webinar is exclusive to A3 members. We love marketing events. Over the years, we’ve learned a lot of best practices along the way. This webinar is to help you learn the keys to leveraging social media to boost trade show and event attendance. Learn the fundamentals of crafting robust event social media strategy, including creating compelling digital assets such as graphics and videos to facilitate widespread sharing. Discover the power of forging partnerships and nurturing relationships to amplify your event's reach. Uncover strategies for harnessing the unique features of each social media platform to empower attendees to become brand advocates. Explore the benefits of integrating live online components into your event experience and leveraging testimonials to enhance credibility. Lastly, gain valuable insights into streamlining and automating your social media efforts for maximum efficiency and impact. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your event marketing game and drive tangible results! Key Takeaways: - Basics of good event social media strategy - Library of digital assets to help others share - Leverage partnerships and relationships - Use unique features on each platform to help attendees represent your event/brand on their own social - Have an online aspect to your show - Use attendee, sponsor, and exhibitor testimonials
3/21/2024 5:00 PM