Ensembl genome browser

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Ensembl is a genome browser for vertebrate genomes that supports research in comparative genomics, evolution, sequence variation and transcriptional regulation. Ensembl annotate genes, computes multiple alignments, predicts regulatory function and collects disease data. Ensembl tools include BLAST, BLAT, BioMart and the Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) for all supported species.



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Explore Human Pangenome Reference Consortium (HPRC) data in Ensembl
The Human Pangenome Reference Consortium (HPRC) aims to construct a comprehensive and representative human pangenome reference to better illustrate the genomic landscape of diverse human populations. In this webinar, we will guide you on how to access HPRC data via the Ensembl genome browser. We will explore the available gene annotation and genetic variation data of the sequence assemblies produced by the project.
3/28/2024 3:30 PM