Georgia State University

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Georgia State University is a public research university located in Atlanta, Georgia. It offers a wide range of academic programs and resources for students, including libraries, student advisement, financial services, and career services. The university is committed to student success and provides a supportive learning environment. Georgia State University is also known for its diverse student population and its contributions to research and innovation.



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International Business Webinar Series: Business Opportunities within ASEAN Countries Amid US-China Decoupling
In our upcoming webinar, 'Business Opportunities within ASEAN Countries Amid US-China Decoupling,' we will explore how the current tensions between the US and China are reshaping the global business landscape. While a complete decoupling of these economic giants seems unlikely due to their immense size, this shift is opening new doors for emerging markets, particularly in the ASEAN region. This session will focus on how countries like Vietnam are capitalizing on this shift, attracting industries and investments that were once firmly rooted in China. We'll also examine how Thailand and other ASEAN nations are leveraging these changes to accelerate their economic growth. Join us to discover the growing opportunities in ASEAN countries and understand how your business can benefit in this evolving global context.
2/15/2024 4:00 PM