Payables Place

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Payables Place is a website that provides news, insights, and resources for accounts payable professionals. It offers webinars, articles, and listicles on various topics such as fraud prevention, ePayments, and optimizing AP operations. The website aims to help AP departments stay informed about the latest trends and technologies in the industry.



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Accounts Payable 2024: BIG Trends and Predictions
The accounts payable industry is consistently evolving and shifting, forcing AP and finance professionals across the globe to prepare for change and innovation in technology, regulations, and the general speed of commerce. Join SAP Concur and Ardent Partners as we discuss key AP and finance trends and predictions for 2024. Our discussion will include the need for full AP automation, AI's impact on AP in 2024, and how to balance the right controls with enough flexibility to adapt to the current workforce and improve efficiencies. All webinar registrants will receive a complimentary copy of Ardent Partners’ accompanying report, AP 2024: BIG Trends and Predictions. Speakers: Andrew Bartolini, Founder & Chief Research Officer, Ardent Partners; Miriam Rayward, Senior Value Consultant, SAP Concur
1/30/2024 6:00 PM