eDNA Webinar: Enhancing Waterway Resilience

Environment9/25/2024 1:00 AM

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The opportunities presented by eDNA as an innovative monitoring tool for aquatic ecosystems are immense. These techniques offer high detection sensitivities and the ability to monitor at scales previously unachievable. However, the data outputs from eDNA surveys are slightly different to traditional monitoring and so we need to think slightly differently about how we design surveys and how to interpret the data. In this webinar we will help illustrate various sampling strategies to achieve specific goals in aquatic biodiversity and species monitoring.

Led by EnviroDNA speaker Senior Program Manager & Wildlife Ecologist, Josh Griffiths. At EnviroDNA, Josh designs and executes strategic eDNA surveys and is known for his ability to analyse, interpret and communicate data for clients.

Duration: 1 hour (including Q&A)

Participants will gain insights into:

  • Biodiversity monitoring at a catchment/subcatchment scale

  • Tracking changes over time using occupancy models and statistical analysis

  • Assessing local responses to management interventions

  • Exploring case studies and opportunity for Q&A

Whether you are new to eDNA or already implementing these tools, this session is valuable for anyone involved in aquatic monitoring and management.

Speaker: Josh Griffiths, Program Manager - Aquatic and Field Ecology.





EnviroDNA provides innovative eDNA monitoring solutions across Australia and abroad. Our technology gives access to a full suite of biodiversity data and metrics so our clients can make smarter environmental decision-making.