Blue Economy Symposium held within OMAE024 Conference in Singapore

Industry > Energy7/26/2024 6:00 AM

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The long-term strategy of the Blue Economy is aimed at unlocking the potential of ocean resources through the sustainable development of offshore seafood and renewable energy production systems.

This Blue Economy symposium was initiated at the OMAE 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering which was held in Melbourne in 2023.

Owing to its success, the symposium has become a permanent feature symposium in OMAE and it covers emerging technologies in the context of the blue economy with a focus on aquaculture and renewable energy applications.

In this webinar, 3 presentations were selected to cover some of the aforementioned topics in the context of blue economy.

Presentation 1:

Industrialisation of Ocean Fish Farming Contributing to Boost Supply of Marine Proteins – Solutions and Challenges + Q&A.

Speaker: Mr. Per Arild Aland (DNV)

Presentation 2:

Designing for the Animal: Reimagining Offshore Fish Structures + Q&A.

Speakers: Dr Louise Kregting & Suzanne Black (Plant & Food Research NZ)

Presentation 3:

Digital Twin-Driven Optimal Design of Connector Stiffness for Floating Multi-Modular Structures – an Application for Floating Solar Energy Harvest + Q&A.

Speaker: Prof Dong Trong Nguyen (NTNU)

Speakers: Per Arild Åland (MSc – Business Development Manager, DNV Maritime Offshore Classification), Dr Louise Kregting (Senior Scientist, Plant & Food Research NZ), Dr Suzanne Black (Senior Scientist/Team Leader, Plant & Food Research NZ), Prof Dong Nguyen (Professor of Marine Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology [NTNU]) and Prof C.M. Wang (Facilitator)(Program Leader - Offshore Engineering and Technology/Professor).


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Blue Economy CRC

Blue Economy CRC

The Blue Economy CRC is a cooperative research center focused on supporting the growth of the Blue Economy. The Blue Economy CRC brings together industry, government, and research partners from around the world to conduct targeted research and training in offshore aquaculture and renewable energy production. Their vision is to create globally competitive, innovative, and sustainable offshore developments, underpinned by a robust environmental planning and management framework. Through their work, they aim to tap into the potential of Australia's sustainable oceans, producing more food and renewable energy while ensuring a long-term plan for the future use of our oceans.