Technology > AI (Artificial Intelligence)6/25/2024 4:00 PM
What is the impact of customized engines on aspects like translation quality and brand alignment? Join Smartling AI leaders as they discuss this question and more.
As the global utilization of AI-powered translation continues to increase exponentially, there's a growing interest in ensuring that its outputs align with brand standards and are tailored to customer’s specific needs. One effective approach to achieving this is through the use of custom machine translation (MT) engines. By leveraging a company's linguistic assets, such as translation memory, style guides, do-not-translate lists and glossaries, these engines can be customized to optimize outputs for brand compliance and quality.
However, the pivotal question remains: what is the actual impact of customized engines on aspects like translation quality and brand alignment? Are they truly worth the investment, and how can they be utilized most efficiently? Join Smartling AI leaders Olga Beregovaya and Alex Yanishevsky as they delve into these questions and more during this live discussion.
This session will cover:
What it takes to build a custom MT engine
The advantages (and potential drawbacks) of custom models
How to evaluate the return on investment of implementing a custom models
The best place to add custom models to your translation workflow
Speakers: Alex Yanishevsky (Senior Director, AI Solutions) and Olga Beregovaya (VP, AI & Machine Translation)