PublicPowerX Webinar: Driving Municipal Utility Excellence — Streamlining Energy Programs for Customers and Employees

Public Sector > Utilities4/17/2024 6:00 PM

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Hear from Clean Power Research on how municipal utilities, including JEA, and joint action agencies are addressing challenges around the energy transition using software to digitalize customer engagement and automate program workflows and reporting.

How are lean municipal utility teams successfully managing and scaling their renewable energy and EV programs? Register for this free webinar and find out! Learn how municipal utilities and joint action agencies are using software to digitalize customer engagement and automate program workflows and reporting. In this 45-minute webinar, you'll discover how to:

  • Delight customers with digital education tools for PV, EV, storage and rate comparison

  • Drive enrollment of educated customers into programs or new rates

  • Eliminate renewable energy and EV program backlogs

  • Improve the customer, trade ally (installer) and employee experience

  • Reduce program administration burdens by automating program processes

  • Streamline project management and program workflows

  • Standardize and simplify reporting and analytics

You'll also hear how JEA:

  • Resolved a 9-week backlog for solar interconnection project approvals

  • Slashed application approval timelines by 70% (from weeks to days)

  • Improved JEA employee experience and installer relationships

You'll have the opportunity to ask questions during the live Q&A. Sign up now to join us on April 17th!


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American Public Power Association

American Public Power Association

The American Public Power Association is the voice of not-for-profit, community-owned utilities that power 2,000 towns and cities nationwide. They advocate for policy changes and key issues in the public power sector. Their members benefit from access to resources, awards, communication resources, and workforce development programs. The association also provides education and events to keep members up to date with the latest industry trends and developments. Join them to support and promote public power.