Exploring the FLOW-3D 2023R2 Product Family Release

Industry1/18/2024 4:00 PM

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Our FLOW-3D 2023R2 release webinar will showcase the new developments that bring improved workflows, greater accuracy, faster runtimes and higher process fidelity across the FLOW-3D 2023R2 family of products. A major development which will be featured is the addition of a new results file format. This development significantly accelerates rendering and data visualization performance in FLOW-3D POST 2023R2, while also expanding post-processing options across all FLOW-3D products. More exciting developments featured in our webinar include: • Turbulence model improvements, including a new dynamic turbulent mixing length feature, yielding more robust, accurate representations of turbulent flows across all FLOW-3D products. • A new Thermal Die Cycling model in FLOW-3D CAST, bringing a simpler, more intuitive setup process that better matches process sheets in high pressure die casting and other permanent mold casting processes. • Direct import capabilities for digital elevation terrain files (LandXML, GeoTIFF) in FLOW-3D HYDRO, which streamlines model setup when handling topography and bathymetry. • A new compressible flow solver, providing FLOW-3D users with a significant gain in performance. • An overview of new training materials that support this release. We hope that you can join us to learn more about these important new developments for the FLOW-3D community.


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FLOW-3D is an accurate, fast, proven CFD software that solves the toughest free-surface flow problems. A pioneer in the CFD industry, And a trusted leader, FLOW-3D is a highly-efficient, comprehensive solution for free-surface flow problems with human-centric support.