Webinar: How IoT is Changing Electrical Utilities

Technology > Internet of Things (IoT)1/25/2024 9:00 PM

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The Internet of Things (IoT) technology revolution reaches far and wide from low-cost internet-connected devices that sit in our homes to the agricultural sector to industrial and manufacturing plants. This highly developed level of sensing and control has had a huge impact on how we live our lives and perform our work. The electricity supply industry is also seeing dramatic improvements in how networks are operated and how the assets within them are monitored using innovative technology to dramatically reduce the cost and complexity of adoption. Join us as we discuss proven use cases that demonstrate how electrical utilities are safely leveraging this technology to improve safety, optimize network operation and gather condition data to understand asset health. In these cases, we will cover applications covering both low voltage distribution and industrial monitoring, through to transmission EHV asset monitoring, cost differences using new sensing technology vs traditional methods, and security parameters and decisions for operation and non-operational condition data. As asset condition monitoring experts, we're excited to show how these new technologies are rapidly enabling greater coverage of utility networks, and making condition monitoring easier and more useful.


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Dynamic Ratings

Dynamic Ratings

Dynamic Ratings provides condition monitoring products and services to the utility industry. Real time data provides better awareness of high voltage electrical equipment, such as transformers, circuit breakers, switchgear, and more. Condition-based monitoring is a way for utilities to increase workplace safety, reduce unexpected failures, reduce unplanned outages, gain visibility of asset condition, and increase load and overall safety. With over 25 years of experience, Dynamic Ratings is a trusted leader in the industry.