Harmonizing Ethical AI: Global Perspectives on Diversity, Inclusion, and the Regulatory Frameworks in International Law

Technology > AI (Artificial Intelligence)12/9/2023 1:30 PM

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BPW International examines AI regulatory diversity practices and ethics impacts globally. Learn more on WebinarCafe.

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Our audience will be guided into the critical intersection of legal and regulatory patterns in Artificial Intelligence (AI), diversity, and inclusion at the global level, emphasizing the following key points:

  1. bias and discrimination in AI: examples and impacts of biases in AI systems;
  2. existing regulatory frameworks and international standards - a critical assessment from International Law;
  3. the quest for the centrality of diversity and inclusion in AI regulation and the enforcement of human rights on a global scale;
  4. the strategies to encourage diversity and inclusionary practices in AI regulatory patterns;
  5. specific cases and future directions.


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BPW International

BPW International

BPW International (International Federation of Business and Professional Women) is an influential international network of business and professional women from more than 100 countries in 5 continents with Consultative Status at ECOSOC/United Nations. Founded in 1930, BPW International develops the professional, leadership and business potential of women on all levels through mentoring, networking, skill building and economic empowerment programs and projects around the world.