Working across the HDP nexus: What have we learned?

Charity and Philanthropy12/7/2023 2:00 PM

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Strengthening linkages between humanitarian, peace and development efforts – referred to as the ‘HDP nexus’ – continues to be a dominant policy priority. Given greater momentum by the 2019 OECD DAC recommendation on the nexus, recent years have seen an expansion of country-level pilots and global initiatives. Yet questions abound as to what these efforts have achieved – and what tangible progress looks like. Is the HDP nexus meant to offer transformative change for an outdated and supply driven aid sector? Or is it merely the international aid system focusing on breaking its own self-imposed silos? Where does shifting power to local actors and focusing on improved country level coordination come into the equation? Has the nexus been primarily driven by humanitarians, and what will it take to get meaningful engagement with peace and development actors? Should climate be added to the mix? Join ALNAP and key stakeholders in current HDP nexus efforts to reflect on the evidence to date and on what these efforts have achieved, where are the gaps and challenges, and what is needed to move these issues forward. ALNAP will present the findings of its latest evidence synthesis on the HDP nexus, followed by a moderated panel discussion on what actions can be taken to further advance HDP nexus ways of working.


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ALNAP is the Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action. It is a global network that strengthens humanitarian action through evaluation and learning. ALNAP provides essential briefings for humanitarian decision-makers, monitors and evaluates humanitarian responses, and promotes learning in the sector. Their extensive library offers a wide range of resources on humanitarian evaluation, learning, and performance.