IE Ethics Webinar - 4 December 2023

Technology > AI (Artificial Intelligence)12/4/2023 4:00 PM

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Informatics Europe hosts a crucial webinar on human-centric AI principles. Learn more on WebinarCafe.

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HCI4AI: The EU AI Act and the Crucial Role of Human-Computer Interaction in Developing Human-Centric AI


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Informatics Europe

Informatics Europe

Informatics Europe represents the public and private research community of informatics in Europe and neighboring countries. Bringing together university departments, research laboratories and industry, it creates a strong common voice to safeguard and shape quality research and education in informatics in Europe. With more than 170 member institutions in over 30 countries, Informatics Europe connects 50,000+ researchers, promotes concerted positions and acts on shared priorities in the areas of education, research, knowledge transfer and social impact of informatics. As a non-profit membership association, Informatics Europe activities are mainly performed by scientist volunteers, who commit personally to promoting our mission and goals.