EFAS v5.0 webinar

Technology > Software11/17/2023 2:00 PM

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The webinar aims to cover topics relating to the latest major European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) release, launched at the end of September 2023, including: 

  • Change in the spatial resolution of the system, from 5km (up to EFASV4) to ~1.4km (1arcmin/0.0167 degrees) and extension to the modelling domain
  • Reporting points highlighted for catchments from 150km2 (instead of 500km2 until EFASv4) anywhere on the domain
  • Major improvements in the hydrological modelling, including new processes and new calibration, with regionalised parameters in ungauged catchments
  • Enhanced flood inundation forecasts with hazard maps now at 90m resolution (instead of 100mm)
  • Enhanced hydrological post-processing products, with information on local threshold exceedance

The meeting will be recorded for training purposes and some material made available afterward. 

The webinar is organised by the Hydrological Forecast Centre – Computation (COMP) of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service, run by the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecast.

EFAS is a product and service of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service. The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission is the entrusted entity responsible for CEMS EFAS in terms of management, technical implementation and evolution. 


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